And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.
John 12:32
The whole purpose of Creation is to give glory to God. We believe that worshipping Jesus is our first step in living the Christian life. Our purpose can be expressed in many different ways. First, Jesus calls His people to worship in word (Matthew 10:32-33). We believe in the power of public profession of Christ. God is not looking for converts but Jesus people who celebrate His perfect work on the cross by publicly aligning themselves in allegiance with Jesus. Second, Jesus calls us to worship in song (Colossians 3:16-17). Nothing touches the soul of man like a song. We believe the songs we sing should celebrate mighty works of God while teaching, warning, and stirring the soul of man to Glory in God. We also believe that worship in song should be authentic. Real worship songs are sung from a heart wholly surrendered to Jesus. Thirdly, Jesus calls His people to worship in giving. We believe everything is God's possession and we are just stewards of His belongings (I Corinthians 4:1). We believe every follower of Christ is called to give in tithes and offerings. Remembering, God loves a cheerful giver (II Corinthians 9:7). Next, Jesus calls His people to worship in prayer (Mark 11:17). God created people for relationship with others and Him. Furthermore, Jesus calls His people to serve others(Mark 10:45). Jesus put on human flesh to give us an exact representation of God and an example to follow in the form of a servant (Philippians 2:5-11). Finally, Jesus calls His people to worship in proclamation (II Timothy 4:1-4/Acts 1:8). God has given the church the awesome responsibility of preaching the Word of the living Lord. Every service and activity is a platform for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hope and prayer is that God's people will glorify Him in the everyday things of life through incarnational living. As living witnesses of the resurrecting power of Jesus, God has called the Church out of the world so that the Body of Christ should be to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:12). The truth of Jesus is to saturate our lives touching every part as a act of worship. Join us this Sunday!

Sunday Morning @ 11:00 am
Consider Joining us this Sunday. You will find our church services very welcoming. We are a compassionate caring people who love Jesus and our community. We are praying for you. Join us.
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