Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The First Baptist Church-Hoxie provides opportunities for every age to glory in Jesus, grow in Jesus, and go for Jesus. Our church has been blessed with great leaders to conduct our children's ministry. Every week, kids will be engaged with the gospel truth through song, activities, and most of all, through the word of life as we diligently teach Bible truth to build up every child into the image of Jesus. We also understand that the greatest gift you have been given is your child. We want to provide a safe and productive environment to raise up the next generation of the Jesus followers. Our prayer is you will find a home at Hoxie. FirstHope Kids!

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School for Kids
We love teaching children about King Jesus. We understand the necessity of knowing Jesus at a young age. Our Sunday School for Kids presents a safe environment to grow in Jesus being surrounded with godly leaders who love children. This ministry allows parents to connect with other adults and grow in Jesus. Join us this Sunday.
Children's Church
We realize that children learn far differently than adults, but God wants kids to worship and grow in Him. Children's Church provides an opportunity for kids 3rd grade and under to worship and grow in Jesus from our godly leaders. Every week children will do crafts, sing, and hear a great Bible lesson. Join us this Sunday.